Infant Massage Course Outline

Length: 2 mins read (435 words)

“Infant massage is not a quick-fix. It requires time to integrate for both the parent and baby, to nurture the bonding and to learn to respect the baby” – Sylvie Hetu

The entire parent-infant course runs for 5 sessions (approximately 1 hour per session per week). Just like some readers now, you may have the same question as me initially, “Why not just finish the course within a day of 5 hours straight?”

Well, this is to ensure or rather will allow enough time for parents and babies to integrate the process, to learn properly. It gives enough time for the parent to process all the information and massage strokes and not overloading all the content at one go. Furthermore, we do not want to overstimulate the baby with a 5 hours course. This will provide time for the parents to practice on their babies during the other days and a chance to ask question, to share, to clarify on the following week. With longer term training, it foster a relationship between all parents attending a particular course for ongoing support even after the course has ended.

The course contains many different elements that works together to achieve what it is intended to (as stated in the benefits of infant massage). The syllabus is carefully thought out, thoroughly tested and comes from years of experience by International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM).

Session 1:
Relaxation and positioning, Asking permission, Massage: Legs and Feet
History and Background of Infant Massage/ IAIM, Oils, Best Conditions to massage, Behavioral states

Session 2:

Relaxation and positioning, Asking permission, Massage: Stomach, Colic routine
Infant cues, crying

Session 3:
Relaxation and positioning, Asking permission, Massage: Chest and arm
Benefits of infant massage, Newborn reflexes

Session 4:
Relaxation and positioning, Asking permission, Massage: Face and back
Adaptation for the growing child

Session 5:

Relaxation and positioning, Asking permission, Massage: The whole routine, Gentle movement

For all parents with baby below 1 year old or special need child below 7 years old, do get in touch with me to experience first hand on the benefits of infant massage: You may also whatsapp me at 012-698 1426 (won’t be able to answer any direct call, please do WhatsApp instead). Alternatively, just look for any certified infant massage instructor by IAIM in your locale and sign up for a course now.

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Next: Infant Massage Course: FAQs for Parents


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Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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