Erection Quality

By Ian Chow, Certified Massage Therapist / Infant Massage Instructor / Oncology Massage Trainer

Length: 4 mins read (881 words)

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Everyone wish to have a good sex life. For men, erection quality will affect the quality of our sex life directly. Contrary to believe, not only aging men will faced with sexual dysfunction such as erectile dysfunction but it does affect men in their 20s and 30s too, in which I have seen a rising number of cases.

There are various means and ways that can be used to tackle the issue but there are more and more men who opted for manhood therapy to address the issue before resorting to any form of medication like Viagra.


While it does help, what we need to realize is, manhood therapy is not a miracle cure. More often than not, when you start to age and only then you are exploring using the therapy to iron out your erection issue, it has much higher chance to fail. This is because by that time, a lot of irreversible damage has already been done and manhood therapy cannot be used as the only way.

The ways listed below should be incorporated together with the therapy for it to stand higher chance of success. Or even better, practice it when you are in your 20s and 30s so you don’t have to worry about erection issues when your body start to age. Like they say, prevention is better than cure and hopefully, you won’t even need manhood therapy then. 


Exercise and stretches
Exercising not only helps in weight management but also promote good circulation. It boost our testosterone level, a sex hormone that regulates fertility, muscle mass, fat distribution and red blood cell production. To note, naturally, our testosterones level do decrease as we age. Exercising will assist in improving it.

If you are not up for extensive exercise, at least start with simple stretches that incorporate pelvic floor muscles or those that strengthen your core muscles eg planking, bridge pose, sphinx pose, squat, lunges etc


Quit smoking
An erection happen when blood vessels in the penis enlarge and has good blood supply. Smoking damage blood vessels in that area of the body (and other areas as well) and subsequently disrupt the flow.


Lessen your alcohol intake
Alcohol interferes with the brain in producing messages to signal the penis to fill it with blood. Besides, alcohol also reduces the production of testosterone.


Have a good diet
Obesity and diabetes have been associated to men having low testosterone level. So keep the weigh in check and lessen food that has high sugar or fat level content. Do ration items like rice (especially it being the Asian staple), bread, meat, fried food and dessert (this is the hardest for me).

Consider increasing dark leafy greens eg spinach, rocket, kale, romaine etc which  contain various micronutrients that promote healthy testotrone level. It is said that these  vegetable reduces oxidative stress which is an imbalance between antioxidant defenses and free radicals in your body. Oxidative stress has been linked to low production of testosterone. 


Keep it clean and watch out for STI
Keeping your penis clean doesn’t mean you will have a solid hard erection but this is more to prevent infection which will affect your urinary tract or sexual reproductive health in general.

Also, have all the fun you want but do it safely. Contracting sexually transmitted infections (STI) eg viral hepatitis, gonorrhea, syphilis, HIV may also in turn cause infection to the prostate gland. The pain, the medication and the treatment for the infected prostate may induce erectile dysfunction. Also, prostatitis will inhibit the function of vascular wall and smooth muscular penile tissue to function optimally.


Take care of mental health
Have your own “me” and self care time to keep your stress and anxiety level in check. Stress hormone do suppresses the production of testotrone.


Good night sleep
Do try to get at least 6 hours of sleep at regular timing. This is when your body rest, rejuvenate and repair itself (cellular level). Avoiding blue light of digital device will also ensure a better night sleep. To note, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, do get it treated because like some of the other conditions, it has been linked to reduce testosterone.


Take supplement
There are many men sexual health supplement now widely available at the pharmacy that you can take, just like how you take your vitamin pills. As long as those supplement is approved by Ministry of Health,  you may also try this route.


At the end of the day, the first step is always acknowledging the issue and then to look for the solution. If you a second opinion, do get in touch with me. When a client / patient sees me for a session, I do teach them some gentle self massaging technique and acupressure points that correspondence to our manhood health. They may do it on a regular basis on their own too and come to me once in a while for a full session.

Further reading:


Before: Manhood Therapy: What and How?
After: Sexual Dysfunction Causes & Treatment
Sexually Transmitted Infections


Published by

Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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