[Exclusive] Multi Sensory Mindfulness Therapy Session (Preview)

By Ian Chow, Certified Massage Therapist / Infant Massage Instructor / Oncology Massage Trainer

Length: 3.5 mins read (703 words)

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This was conducted by Keong from House of Sadhu, in which I experienced his sound healing prior to this. Now, he mainly does this modality and the therapy session is done either at his house or his studio at Cheras Mahkota. 

Keong came out with this new therapy session from his multiple years as a yoga teacher, dancer / performer and various masterclasses that he attended that set him to this spiritual journey of mindfulness.  

He described this therapy modality as tantric in general. Despite the receiver having to be fully naked, it is nothing sexual and the intention is completely different. 


Before the appointment (after confirmation), he will send a list of dos and don’ts to the client. To set my expectation right, he also texted me to explain a bit on the session. And when I arrived at his place, we continued our conversation on the session (beside catching up on our lives as we knew each other from the performing arts industry for more than a decade now). 

We were chatting for quite a bit over a cup of tea in which he will offer to all the client. You can choose between a zesty refreshing tea or a detox tea. His reception area (that also double up as his living room) looks very zen with tasteful interior design. I actually don’t mind sitting there and having longer chat with him. 

Each session according to Keong could be different in the flow cos it is dependent on the recipient body and state of mind at that point of time. For mine, I started on supine and he gave a very simple but relaxing facial with a warm damp cloth and face massage. 


In that 2 hours session (usually his session is only 90 mins but on certain sessions, there could be overtime), he uses techniques like palm compression, stretches, rocking, feathering and gentle strokes that follow the meridian points. More often than not, it is hard for me to pin point the exact technique or even describe the entire flow like how I did with my other reviews. All I can say is when you attend the session, just have the trust in him or more cliche, surrender your body and mind to him . Plus, don’t forget to constantly breathe in deeply too. 

After the facial, he proceed to work on the neck, chest / abdomen before moving to the hand. Then he spent a fair bit of time in the pelvic region and leg, working on awakening the kundalini energy with various light strokes and stretches. 

Quoted from “https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/kundalini-awakening” 
Kundalini, which translates from Sanskrit to “coiled snake,” describes the energy that rests, often dormant, coiled at the base of the spine. When it rises or awakens, it can cause a number of experiences and symptoms. Kundalini is considered to be a life-force energy, meaning it’s a major source of internal power.


From the position of his palm placed at intervals in the session, I do think he incorporated the chakra system into this therapy too. 

Right after, I then lay down side way in which for this portion, he uses his entire body weight to compress on my body, followed by more stretches (before I have to shift and lie on the other side). 

The session finished with sound healing with his singing bowl. In that short moment, I definitely felt the tranquility and my inner peace. 

A pre caution, after the session has ended, do take your time to come up slowly. Watch your step due to the raised platform for the mattress. 


After I got dressed, we sat on the reception table again to chat a bit and enjoy a cup of warm lime infused water. 

This is certainly not your regular massage session to release muscle trigger points or soreness. But one that still heavily deals with your wellbeing on the emotion, mental state as well as your spiritual.

For more information about Keong’s work: https://twitter.com/Manbodyawakeni1?t=tMmnEzfXNwAbuvzj0LpB0g&s=09 


Published by

Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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