Stiff Shoulder & Neck

By Ian Chow, Certified Massage Therapist / Infant Massage Instructor / Oncology Massage Trainer

Length: 1.5 mins read (284 words)

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In the simplest term, ergonomic risk is where one stay in the same position for too long which then cause muscle and joint fatigue (or worse, injury). As detailed by OSHA, ergonomic risk factors include repetition, awkward posture, forceful motion, stationary position, direct pressure, vibration, extreme temperature, noise, and work stress.

In those client that I have attended to, incorrect posture of using digital device and repetitive motion when using a tool are always the main culprit of giving them shoulder and neck ache. Good news is, most times, the pain will go away or the issue will resolve on its own when the posture is corrected or the works stopped. For example, when using your handphone or digital note pad, try bringing it to eye level rather than tilting your neck down to look at it. Adjusting mouse and keyboard to the right height level and angle are also important. Then, if you in construction line, take a break after a certain amount of time and not just go non-stop with your painting work, hammering work, sawing work etc.


On the other hand, exercising and stretching on daily basis could certainly assist in ironing out the issues as well, just like the other muscle related dysfunctions.

Others method that you can take include applying heat pack to the sore areas. Increasing intake of food with omega-three fatty acid may also assist. It can reduce the inflammation and alleviating some of the pain associated with stiff necks, especially when combined with massage and heat therapy. Last but not least, reducing your stress level by having your own self care time, can help to reduce the muscle tension on your neck and shoulder area.

Before: Lower Back Pain


Published by

Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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