Getting A Tattoo II

By Ian Chow, Certified Massage Therapist / Infant Massage Instructor / Oncology Massage Trainer

Length: 3 mins read (622 words)

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Getting a tattoo can be a daunting experience. I started the first and second one on my forearm. I was a bit adventurous when it comes to the third one and I did it on my back along the spine, from cervical goes down to sacrum. I know the pain level will be revved up tremendously from the forearm but that design really resonates with me (and I survive through the ordeal). 

I am still an amateur when it comes to getting a tattoo. But sharing here some of my experience, if you are planning to get your first tattoo. 

a). Always choose a design that you like and can relate with
If you just go for something that is trendy at that point of time, it may not resonates with you when the trend has passed. Also, don’t sacrifice or simplify a design just because you want to avoid more pain. At all times, you may also discuss with your artist and they will surely have recommendation for you. 

My tattoo artist (right), Ayl, from Electric Dream Studio and I (left)

b). Pick a less painful part to start with
There are many articles out there that can give you a good idea on tattoo pain level vs body parts. As first timer, avoid areas that are on the extreme threshold no matter how good your pain tolerance is. For me with my current design, the neck is quite on the extreme. After you have experienced it for the first time, you will have better tolerance and then for the next one, feel free to consider other areas. 

c). Find a reliable tattoo studio and artist 
This process took the longest for me. Cost is one consideration point but the hygiene, customer service and the comraderies of the artists in the studio is also very important for me. I was scouting around 3 studios before I settled down with the final one. And I engage the same tattoo artist from the same studio for all my tattoos so far. I guess it is very important to have that rapport as well.

d). Stop listening to others and just go for it.
If you always have the intention or already plan to do it, just go with your heart and don’t need to ask what others think of it. Just do it!

My latest tattoo, the 7 Chakras

e). Words based tattoo
If you are planning for this category of design, do find out more about it especially the type of font, the location and the size; or consult your artist. As the tattoo aged, I have seen many that the words became unreadable and just look like a patch of ink. Personally, I feel it is very wasted. I am unsure how much can be touch up when the words start to bleed and blend into each other.

f). Bring water and sweet during the session (and wear comfortable clothing)
Do make sure you stay hydrated during the session. Some tattoo artist also recommend small burst of sugar (sweet) as your body do burn calories during the session in response to the tension / pain. So you wouldn’t want to feel giddy after a long session (each session may take 1 to 4 hours or even more depending on how complex your design is).

Happy tattooing!

If you are interested to know more about what my latest back tattoo means, here is a simplified diagramme.
Image gottten from:


Before: Getting A Tattoo


Published by

Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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