Sexually Transmitted Infections

By Ian Chow, Certified Massage Therapist / Infant Massage Instructor / Oncology Massage Trainer

Length: 4 mins read (881 words)

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There are a few contraindications that one cannot perform manhood therapy and one of those are when the receiver has any form of sexually transmitted infection (STI). These are a few common STIs.

1. HIV – used to be untreatable but with the advancement of technology, there are drugs to suppress / control the virus to become undetectable and non infectious.
Signs and Symptoms: Progressively causes weakening of the immune system which may causes severe weigh loss, fever, cough, swollen of lymph nodes and in severe case, TB, cancer and meningitis (inflammation of the tissues surrounding the brain and spinal cord).
Incubation period: Between 1 to 6 weeks

2. Syphillis – often painless sore initially that you can see in the genital, mouth or rectum.
Signs and Symptoms: Fever, patchy hair loss, small sore around penis / anus, rashes
Incubation period: Approximately 3 weeks


3. Chlamydia – a “silent” infection that may not pose any symptoms initially. If left untreated, can cause further complications e.g urethritis and cervicitis
Signs and Symptoms: Pain when urinating or pain at the pelvic area, foul smelling discharge from penis, redness / swelling at the tip of penis, swelling or tenderness on testicle
Incubation period: 1 to 3 weeks

4. Trichomoniasis – also known as trich, more common in women than men, this is another “silent” infection where only 30% of the patient may show symptoms.
Signs and Symptoms: Burning sensation  when urinating or during ejaculation, urge to pee more often, thin and white discharge from penis, itching inside the penis
Incubation period: 5 to 28 days

5. Gonorrhea – symptoms can affect many part of the body but mainly on the genital area. May also be passed to infants during childbirth.
Signs and Symptoms: Discharge from penis (can be white, yellow or green),  Inflammation on the foreskin, burning sensation during urinating, swelling on testicle (rare)
Incubation period: 1 to 10 days


6. Hepatitis B – can be easily preventable with vaccine. Like most of the other STI, it spreads through blood, semen and other body fluid from the infected to another non-infected body
Signs and Symptoms: Dark colour urine, fever, joint pain, yellowish on the skin and eye (jaundice), vomitting, fatigue
Incubation period: Approximately 3 months

7. Herpes – two type of virus which Type-1 spread through oral contact and cause infection in and around the mouth. Type-2 spread through sexual contact and causes genital herpes. Type-1 is very common and can be triggered even with stress.
Signs and Symptoms (genital herpes): itching around the penis, small bumps or blisters around the genitals, anus or mouth, painful ulcer will form after the blister has rupture, painful urination
Incubation period: Approximately 4 days

8. HPV – known as warts, there are more than 100 varieties. While most don’t lead to cancer, some genital HPV can leads to cervical cancer, anus cancer, vulva and penis cancer.
Signs and Symptoms: Unusual rowth / warts around the groin, genital, anus, thigh (warts may be single, grouped, raised, flat or cauliflower shaped. They are not usually painful)
Incubation period: 2 to 3 months


If you are experiencing or think you could be infected with any form of STI due to unprotected sex, please do seek for medical assistance immediately before it has an adverse effect on your body. At times, some of the signs and symptom can also be similar when you have infection in your urinary tract (UTI) that can be treated easily with antibiotic. Best not to guess, go and test it out.


Further reading:–infections-stds–stis

Before: Manhood Therapy: Fake or Real?
After: Erection Quality


Published by

Ian Chow 周 奕 延

Your personal massage therapist and trainer

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